Acne putting you in a difficult spot?

Let’s see what science has to say about it.

I’m sure most of us have encountered Chinese or Ayurvedic Face Maps which indicate that acne sprouting up on different facial regions correlate with issues faced by various organs. While most claims are anecdotal and there is little scientific evidence that validates this phenomena, I have consolidated a collection of lifestyle causes and factors which contribute to breakouts, along with how to prevent them.

Hairline Acne: Pay attention to your hair products

‘Pomade Acne’ is another term used to describe acne that appears along the hairline. Why? Pomade is a cloying ingredient commonly found in many thick, oil-based hair products which can congest hair follicles and prevent proper drainage of sebum. Hence, this is what gives rise to the dreaded pimple.

If you’re a victim of this, the best advice would be to eliminate pomade use, or if you would still like to incorporate it as part of a routine, cleanse your face thoroughly after applying it. You could also consider changing your shampoo into one that’s clarifying and non-comedogenic.

Cheek Acne: Your pillows and phone could be the culprits

Did you know that phones are teeming with loads of bacteria? Scientists from the University of Arizona have proven that they carry up to 10 times more pathogens than on toilet seats! The same can go for pillow cases that haven’t been washed as often as they should be. Stubborn acne on the sides of our faces are often due to dirty phones and pillows ferrying bacteria that infect our skin. Additionally, this could also be attributed to bad habits like unnecessarily touching your face. Take note of what gets into contact with your cheeks for prolonged periods of time.

Opt for a bluetooth headset instead, or remember to wipe down your phone regularly with disinfectant to sanitise it. Also, add your pillowcases to your weekly laundry run!

Jaw Acne: It’s the pesky hormones!

Well, perhaps this is the only juncture where Face Mapping and science align. Apparently, acne on the jaw and chin are caused by hormonal fluctuations which result in excess oil being produced, clogging pores. Some typical triggers are the start of a menstrual cycle, beginning or changing birth control medications, and diet. Consuming lots of simple sugars, processed foods and dairy are linked to interfering with natural hormone levels.

To rectify these flare-ups, try to be mindful of your nutritional intake. You may be surprised, but what we put into our bodies affect us so much more than we give credit for. If it is a recurring problem, perhaps look into other types of medications that would be more suitable instead. If in doubt, consult a dermatologist for topical treatments!

T-Zone Acne: Oil is not your friend

If your problem areas are your nose and forehead, these are frequently induced by oil and stress. Feeling anxious and pressured often have a direct link to acne, while a study also concluded that people who do not have restful sleep tend to have bad skin as well. Hence, we can safely infer that stress and improper sleep are precursors to acne. Perhaps, instilling a routine of self-care and relaxation before tucking yourself in is on the cards.

With that said, it would be paramount to buy the right products for your skin, in this specific case, one that would get rid of grease.